Advalus Quality Management

Information Assurance

Advalus consultants hold security clearances that would be applicable to each customer’s requirements. We can align with each customer’s environment for IA purposes and can support up to Tier 3.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Backup and restore processes are available off-site for Advalus data.

Customer data and products / WIP files generated for customers are more usually held on customer systems wherever feasible. This avoids any uncertainty over access, security or freedom of use. In addition our consultants can establish on-site backup and recovery procedures for customers to support local systems.

Service Management

Our advisory teams for each customer assignment are managed as a ‘service’ with active on site management of the defined tasks via an appointed project manager (who is in turn accountable to a named Advalus project director for that assignment).  The details of that named management and accountability structure for each customer, as well as the assignment deliverables and tasks etc, are set in the firm’s letter of appointment for each assignment.

ISO9001:2015 Accredited

We have an established set of processes and procedures to deal with any issues raised regarding the performance of both our consultants and our assignment management team.  This forms an integral part of our ISO9001:2015 accredited Quality Management System – with clear paths for rapid resolution via referral, should any issues not be resolvable on site and in short order via the project manager.

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Advalus Limited
Hartham Park
SN13 0RP

01249 700650